Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Later today...

My heart is full of praises to God! The Lord is doing SO much and I am ever grateful to Him.
Even in the tough circumstances... there is still MUCH to praise Him about.   

God is breaking up the hardened soil.
It seems in every tough circumstance and in every hardened heart close to me:
 God is breaking it all up!

He is breaking up the soil.
He is planting good seeds.
He is preparing for a harvest.
Something only God Almighty could do!

I will share a fun God Story later today.
One that has everything to do with remembering God's faithfulness.
A story that I've had on my heart for quite sometime.
Today for whatever reason happens to be the right time to share it. 

It's a story that reminds me that He takes what the enemy meant for our harm..
the painful...

and turns it around... 
into something wonderful, 
into something good, 
into an opportunity that leads others to Him.

So please stay tuned...

PS- I would like to pray for you. (Yes you reading this :) I have an open invitation: 

 YOU are always welcome to ask for prayer.
 Comment or privately email me with any prayer requests. 

So need prayer? Don't be shy to ask.
 I read every comment and every email. 
I pray for each request.
Reading them brightens my day for sure! 
 I love hearing from you.
Above all--- it is a joy and blessing to pray for each of you
 through your struggles 
and trials 
AND to celebrate in the victory 
as He rescues, heals, and answers prayers in each one of our lives! 

 When things look impossible: HE MAKES A WAY!
To God be the glory.


  1. I need prayer for health today! I usually don't get sick that often and today have scratchy throat, and hurting ears. I have actually gotten a lot better but now my Mom and my sister have it. So if you could join us in prayer for our heath, that would bless us! Oh and, we really pray that my baby brother does not get this.

  2. Great post today...of course I need prayers for healing of the Lyme...but right now I am thinking I need some discernment for symptoms and determination to keep giving them over to God believing in my healing inspite of them!
