Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sweet Chubby Cheeks

I can't get YOU off of my heart. 
        But why would I ever want to?
                                              I'm praying beautiful, OH am I praying...


  1. Look at her fund!! It is really going up!!!

    Praying for sweet Mercy!!

  2. oh, she's perfect, alisha. i want to know more about her!! i read below that she has hip displasia. my mom had that when she was a baby! lot of casting later and you would NEVER know!!

    praying for her.

    thanks for your sweet comment<3

  3. Sharing Mercy's story on my blog today. Blessings!


  4. Ahhhhh, those CHEEKS!! Thanks for sharing. I love reece's rainbow. We found my sister there and advocating for those children are a huge part of my life. But I have to admit, I never noticed Mercy and her chubby cheeks! so glad she has you loving and fighting for her!
